21 Day Wellness Cleanse

The 21 Day Wellness Cleanse: Focus on Wellness, Not Illness!

There are hundreds of diets, juice cleanses, and detoxifying promises out there, but how do you know what REALLY works?

I healed myself of cancer by following these life changes. Imagine what it could do for you! Let me show you in the 21 Day Wellness Cleanse how to completely reclaim, renew, and transform your health.


What you eat day-to-day is a more dominant factor to your health than your own DNA or most of the toxic chemicals in your environment.

Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet can have profound healing results. I have put my cancer in remission by eating this way.

Whole-food, plant-based diets and the right Vegan food can prevent cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis and other chronic diseases that plague our modern day society.

It’s never too late to start eating in a way that supports your health and well-being.

Join me on a personal wellness journey to a new you. Discover for yourself how the 21 Day Wellness Cleanse can transform your life.

Take control of your total wellness now! Haven’t you put it off long enough?


  • Teach you how to choose, prepare, and nourish your body with the most alkalizing, low-density, high-quality healing foods on the planet.
  • Teach you meal-planning suggestions and delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes to make prepping satisfying to your soul.
  • Uncover the truth about sugar and its many disguises.
  • Show how plants are power packed with the healthiest protein.
  • Prove that there’s life after caffeine!
  • Help you understand the role water plays in your wellness journey.
  • FINALLY break down the difference between juicing and blending.
  • Teach you why it’s SO important to keep your pH in balance.
  • Walk you step-by-step through the process of creating life changing habits that empower you to live a life of wholeness and wellness.

See what others say about the 21 Day Wellness Cleanse!


  • Your very own smoothie blueprint guide.
  • My all-time favorite health, beauty, and wellness secrets!
  • Stress strategies, guided meditations, and daily activities.
  • Access to an amazing, empowered community of like-minded people focused on cutting edge wellness.
  • A wellness handbook, videos, audio clips, and daily support emails to guide, encourage, and help you stay on track mentally, emotionally, and physically – every step of the way.
  • Snack attack strategies to keep you on the path to success.
  • Loads of information, success tips, and a week of weaning to get you ready and prepared for the journey!

About Leah Putnam

I’m a California girl who faced a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer.

I healed myself completely without the mainstream treatments of surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. I’ve run the road less travelled and searched beyond conventional wisdom for self-healing, and I want you to know that you have that option, too. I founded Living Wholy on the basis of incredible wellness when being faced with a situation out of your control. Let us take this journey together. 

The cleanse taught me how to move from packaged and processed foods to preparing and eating healthy and delicious whole plant based foods. The recipes Leah provides and tasty and easy to make. Apples have become my sweet tooth’s favorite snack. I now try to buy organic whenever available and have become an avid food label reader. At first it felt like I was spending quite a bit of time and energy in the kitchen but in no time I easily found my way to prepping in advance and creating amazing dishes and snacks my whole family could enjoy. This cleanse is a necessity for anyone who is seeking a higher quality of health and wellness in their life. The biggest take aways for me from being on the cleanse are how well I slept and how rested I felt when I awoke in the morning.
Brittney B.
Los Gatos, CA
Last year I skeptically accepted the 21 Day Wellness Cleanse and was thoroughly happy with the results for both my body and my mind. I was surprised how easy it was to shift from my lazy eating habits to one in which I thoughtfully choose what to eat and how it affected me. After getting past the first few days without meat and processed foods I was amazed with the energy that I had and the clarity of my thinking. It wasn't a goal of mine, but I also lost weight during the cleanse and can honestly say that I never felt hungry, I was just getting the right nutrition that my body needed. I strongly suggest the 21 Day cleanse and Leah's guidance to anyone wanting a change.
Mark G.
Now that the 21-days are up, here's my final scores: My weight dropped from 167 to 156 for a total of 11 pounds. My cholesterol dropped from 229 to 178, 50 points mostly off the LDL’s and better than Lipitor! I’d say this is pretty good for just three weeks. I always say, take you healthcare into your own hands when you can. Thanks for offering the cleanse Leah!
Bill G.
Santa Clara, California
Leah’s 21 Day Wellness Cleanse is clearly laid out and the recipes are delicious and easy to follow. Being able to use the given meal-plan or create your own plan really helps work this cleanse into any busy schedule, no excuses. Leah has created a program that is not only easy to follow, but that really inspires you to look at your current lifestyle and diet and see where changes can be made that may be small but powerful. She clears up some mis-consceptions around food and makes eating vibrant and energetic foods easy. The support network and community Leah has created around the program enables you to succeed and follow through to the end and get you even through the rough days everybody has on any cleanse out there. I’d recommend the 21 Day Wellness Cleanse to my best friend!
Claudia Richey
Personal Trainer and Health Coach, Owner / DoshaFit®