5 Ways Starting Your Day with Warm Lemon Water Does Wonders for your Health

Lemons are a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting agent and the alkalizing effect of lemons assist in flooding your cells with life giving oxygen while flushing out those undesired toxins. Here’s why starting your day with a mug of warm lemon water does wonders for your health and wellness.


What Warm Lemon Water Does For You:

1.  HYDRATION     You may find yourself in need of a liquid replacement when you open your peepers to greet the morning.   A mug of fresh warm lemon water is a great way to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during the previous nights slumber.  Lemons provides you with calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium that will kick up your electrolytes and start to rehydrate your cells inside and outside your body.

2.  DIGESTION  This amazing citrus squeeze kick starts your digestive system by stimulating digestive enzymes in your saliva and stomach and triggering the muscles along the intestinal wall to contract.  By improving your peristalsis contraction, food is able to move easily through your digestive tract, absorb more nutrients, improve waste removal and reduce bloating, gas and constipation.

3.  FLUSHES OUT TOXINS  Lemon water has the ability to stimulate the function of the liver to promote the flow of bile and aid in the removal of waste and toxins.  There are many camps out in the nutritional world who sing the praises of lemon juice as a natural diuretic.  Their view is that lemon juice can increase the frequency of urination to help gently flush out and remove toxins from the urinary tract and keep it free of debris.

4.  BALANCES YOUR pH     Lemons as a citrus fruit are acidic from a culinary standpoint but they are quite alkaline as they begin to digest and metabolize inside your body.  This is an advantage when we’re trying to consume more alkaline foods in our daily dietary intake. The more alkaline your bodies are, the more oxygen is available to your cells and your cells are in love with oxygen. When your cells are compromised from a lack of oxygen they suffer and bacteria, yeast and fungus thrive.  By eating more alkaline forming foods you are promoting a healthy environment for your cells to survive and flourish.

5.  SUPPORTS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM  Along with adding minerals and antioxidants to your nutritional profile lemons are an excellent source of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is a powerhouse nutrient and quickly goes to work in helping you resist against infections and neutralize free radicals that can contribute to disease and aging.

First thing in the morning squeeze 1/2 to one lemon in a cup of warm filtered water (boiling will destroy all the benefits).  I like to add a pinch of cayenne pepper to give my circulatory system a bit of a boost too.  Wait at least 30 minutes before consuming any foods and watch how it will improve your hydration, enhance your digestion, help to keep you squeaky clean and thriving on wellness throughout your day.


View Comments (2)

  • Great info, Leah. I used to drink cold water with lemon during the day or a cup of tea with lemon in the morning and I wonder if it is as beneficial as warm water with lemon.

    • Great question Vigora,
      I think that it probably has the same benefits the only thought I have is that cold water has a way of shocking the digestive system and something warming in the morning seems to be a bit soothing. xoxoxoleah