Wholy Wellness Circle

Seeking to be a Wellness Warrior! Get Empowered and Start Taking Responsibility Now! Are you facing greater and greater numbers of your friends and family falling prey to chronic degenerative disease? Are you aware that every morsel of food that enters your mouth has a [...]

2016-10-23T16:44:37-07:00September 23rd, 2012|Cancer, Uncategorized, Wellness|Comments Off on Wholy Wellness Circle

Cancer, I Took the Road Less Traveled

  Cancer, I Took the Road Less Traveled Sometimes events show up in our lives where we can do nothing but pause and take a moment to truly tune in to the magnificent innate wisdom of our bodies. I was given that moment and I [...]

2016-10-23T16:44:46-07:00September 7th, 2012|Cancer, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cancer, I Took the Road Less Traveled

Completely Transform Your Life With this 21-Day Wellness Cleanse

Leah Putnam

Hi, I'm Leah Putnam.

My goal is to inspire you to embark on a personal journey that will lead you to a life of abundant energy, vibrancy, balance, clarity and happiness.