“It doesn’t matter what you eat if you don’t take care of what’s eating you”
~ Brian Clement
Emotions play such an important role in the state of our health. What ever happens in our emotional body also occurs in our physical body. Cells have feelings too and your DNA listens to every thought and feels every emotion you have. If you knew you were being listened by such attentive fans do you think you might be a little more vigilant in monitoring you thoughts and feelings? I know that in dealing with my cancer I needed to do this, big time.
Commit to being “numero uno” in your life. Seek out daily indulgence in self nurturing or acts of self kindness to lower your stress load of life. Some strategies to derail your stress could be: meditation, deep breathing exercises like (square breathing), keeping a gratitude journal, hiring a life coach, create an altar, weekly massage, prayer, watching funny shows and spending time in nature to name a few. Make a list of your your own self nurturing activities and refer to it often.
Check in with yourself and have a heart to heart, notice if you have any one or all of the 3 R’s. Remorse, resentment or regret showing up.