3 Steps to get the Diet Results You Want!

In a time of convenience, fast and an over packaging of food, eating for wellness and fueling your body with healthy nutritiously packed whole foods can be a challenge.  To get the most out of what you put in your mouth and nourish your body physically, mentally and spiritually you need to Kick the CRAP out of your diet.

Kicking the CRAP means eliminating or at least cutting far back on:
C – Simple carbohydrates of candy, cakes, cookies and sodas that are loaded with sugar that will rage havoc on your adrenals, immune system, blood sugar levels and your over all health.
R – Refined Foods that have been stripped of their nutrient content and fiber.  Good examples of this would be white sugar, white flour and pasta.
A – Alcohol – Sugar with a buzz, devoid of nutrients and extremely acidic.
P – Processed Foods are any food source that has been altered from its natural state either for that easy packaged grab and go convenience or to increase its shelf life like chips, crackers, candy bars and pre-made soups.

3 Steps to Kick the CRAP Out of your Diet!

Step 1: Eat High on the Sun Chain
All of our energy on this planet comes from the sun.  By consuming unprocessed, uncooked whole plant based living foods, you have access to all enzymes, vitamins, minerals phytonutrients, anti-oxidants, protein, essential fats and fiber your body requires to heal, regenerate and stay youthful inside and out.  Since these plants are fresh and raw they still contain their life force or sun’s energy. Chlorophyll is what makes all plants green and healthy. This liquid Sunshine allows plants to absorb the lights energy from the sun and convert it into usable energy through the process of photosynthesis.  Eating your food in its most natural state allows you to tap directly into the suns energy!  The inconvenient truth is that cooking food denatures it, destroying over half the proteins, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that were potentially available.  Cooked food is not only harder to digest and assimilate but it creates a drag on all of your systems.

Step 2: If we know what to do why don’t we do it?  
Most of us know what eating real healthy food is.  Think back to the last thing you put in your mouth, was it real food?  Did it come in a package, was it refined, swimming in simple sugars and nutrient challenged? Did you tell yourself you were going to have a green smoothie for breakfast only to end up grabbing a bagel on the run instead?  It seems like we’re sabotaging ourselves, out of control and completely helpless to make a change.  Rest assured you are not alone here.  Why are we so obsessed with eating sugar and junk food mindlessly even when we know it’s not good for us?

The reality of the matter is that you’re instinctively designed like all other animals to eat to survive and to survive to further our species and reproduce.   Your nervous system is wired so that when you eat food it triggers a pleasure pathway in your nervous system that causes dopamine to be released in your brain that gives you a pleasurable feeling that you then interpret as beneficial for your survival.  The higher the calorie content coupled with the less energy expenditure needed to obtain the food, the more highly motivated you are to want it.  Consuming simple carbohydrates, alcohol refined and processed foods is like hitting the dopamine jackpot.   Acting as if you have just gone unconscious you find yourself overeating or consuming foods that are just not good for you.  You might be frustrated that your willpower has vacated the premises but the reality is that the message you’re getting from your nervous system is patting you on the back telling you you’re doing the right thing in securing the survival of your species.

Unfortunately the food manufacturers know about this short circuit survival tactic all too well and continually create products to tempt you to make poor choices that can disrupt or destroy your health and happiness. When you do eat the right food, it feels wrong, and when you eat the wrong foods it feels right. This dilemma keeps you stuck in the “Pleasure Trap“. When you increase the amount of plant based foods in your diet you will give your body the nutrients it needs to Kick the CRAP and get back to living your dreams.

Step 3: Focus on your Wellness
Focus on your wellness and not your illness.  If you don’t want to be ill then focus on being healthy.  Set you intentions on what you want not on what you don’t want.
This is what I did when I healed myself of invasive ductal carcinoma.

Become curious and start digging into the research that has concrete science behind it that shows how a Whole Food Plant Based Diet can help to prevent cancer and even reverse, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis and more chronic diseases that plaque our modern day society.

Start realizing that it’s not too late to start eating in a way that supports your health and well-being, and that what you eat has the ability to affect how you feel and think.  Get curious and find out what your body really craves in the way of healthy whole food.  Don’t be afraid to swim upstream.  Do some research when it comes to dietary guidelines and recommendations.  Get curious about Who stands to benefit from your food choices and actions.  Ask the all important question, Is it true?  Is what I have always been told and have always believed true?

Get EmpoweredKick the CRAP and begin a new life of an empowering wellness.  Try it for yourself and see how you can become your biggest advocate when it comes to your health.  Gently open your eyes to this new way of being in the world and move beyond your present self-sabotage strategies so that you can live a life of incredible fulfillment and deep inner peace.
