5 Steps to Creating a Conscious Relationship with Food

Previous cleansers on the 21 Day Wellness Cleanse have told me that when you first start out on the cleanse it can seem very mechanical.  As a newbie on the cleanse scene you are immersed in the details of organizing, planning, shopping. prepping and preparing a variety of new and delicious healthy foods.  What you’re not expecting is how the cleanse shows up for you from a mental, emotional and even spiritual vantage point.  The 21 Day Wellness Cleanse challenges you to embrace a deeper level of your total being and embrace a sensitivity with yourself that allows you to hear the amazing communication between you and your body, to create a conscious relationship with food.

Even though you know in your head that making changes in your diet is of course beneficial to your health and wellness.  What you may not realize is that ending your old relationship with food as you have known it can be a very hard pill to swallow.  This ending can be similar to breaking up or away from a personal relationship and the challenges that may arise can be significant.



1.  Depth and Breadth  – Food that may not benefit your health may have served as a container for your emotional stability by either soothing and numbing uncomfortable feelings or accompanying feelings of love, happiness and security. You may need to gently and with kindness create a container that allows you to be in relation with these feelings without attaching food that is unhealthy for you.  In this way your container is able to expand to accommodate a deeper and wider expression of love for yourself.

2.  Reclaiming your Power – You need to be able to honestly look at how you may have been using food as a way to deflect or numb your feelings.  Once you can acknowledge and accept what is, you then make space available to consciously create a change.

3.  Make an Empowering Meaning – You will be creating a new paradigm about your new relationship with food.  You can either take yourselves out by creating a story of lack or you can empower yourselves by telling a story of abundance.  Your success in creating a new healthy way of eating will be dependent on your ability to attach an empowering meaning to how you will be showing up with food in your life.

4.  Test of Your Character – When we make a change we are really asking ourselves to stand in our character and show up in our truth.  You’ll need to ask yourself if you truly want to make a change?  If so, are you willing to do what is needed to make this change?  The choices you make when you are asked to stand in your character are choices that truly affect yourself, your families, communities and the universe.  You will discover that you choices can truly have a ripple affect out into the world.

5.  Happily Even After – How will you define your new role with food?  It’s important to celebrate your new healthy way of life and begin creating new rituals that you can declare and share with your support matrix.  By sharing in celebration with others you will start to relax more with your new food choices and not feel as if you are constantly swimming up stream.  You’ll also give others permission to make changes in their lives that may be different than the status quo.

The most important piece is that how you end your old relationship with food says everything about how you are going to begin your new relationship with wellness.
