7 Strategies To Eating Healthy During The Holidays

Here we go again, it’s that time of the years when the days get shorter and the nights get longer.  The leaves turn rich yellows to vibrant reds as they fall from the trees and children once again run from one pumpkin glowing home to another dressed in costumes and gathering sugary treats.  There’s a chill settling in the air prompting us to pull out all of our warm cozy clothes, hunker down a little closer to home and settle in for a spell. And the question of eating healthy during the holidays pops up!

Halloween marks the start of “Sugar Season” and by Thanksgiving we’ve hit the ground running, gaining fast and furious momentum to a whirl of invitations, endless parties, celebrations and cheer.  This seasonal ride will take us all the way through Christmas holiday just in time to top off the festivities with the Grand finale of New Years Eve.   Again we will awaken to the harsh reality that we have been completely swept up into another overindulgence holiday season and now must be pay the piper and face the aftermath.   If you’re anything like me you know exactly what I’m talking about.

How about creating a whole new present and post holiday scenario?  How about making a shift by having a plan that will fuel your health and wellness instead of leaving you picking up the pieces after the parties over?  What if you were able to unwrap the greatest gift possible this holiday, a healthy more vibrant, radiant you?

If this sounds intriguing to you, then all that is required is some PRE holiday planning.  By following these SEVEN SIMPLE STRATEGIES for the holidays you will be able to avoid many of the tempting pitfalls that lead to post-holiday blues.  This year instead of surviving the holidays, THRIVE the holidays!

These seven strategies will help you navigate through this season of joy and merriment while making conscious choices aimed at ringing in 2014 with a more energetic and effervescent you.  You might even find these strategies  spilling over into the new year and shifting you into a whole new way of life!


7 Strategies To Eating Healthy During The Holidays

Strategy 1.  Make a plan and set up your game strategy ahead of time of what you will and will not eat.  You’re going to be making numerous food choices during this holiday season and even though you may not always make the right ones, it’s better to have a plan in place to fall back on.   Jot down on a piece of paper a list of what you can eat and make sure to carry it with you when you head off to your holiday event.  Use the list as a simple reminder so you will intentionally focus on what you can have and not get drawn to what you can’t.   “I know I can eat this, I just don’t have to” is a phrase that’s helped me out of many mouth watering situations.
Planning and having a simple intention will keep you on track and steering clear of misguided temptations.

Strategy 2 If you know you may be limited in your healthy food choices, eat ahead of time before you go to a party or event so you won’t be starving when you get there.  You’re more likely to be caught off guard by tantalizing temptations and end up making poor choices just because you’re motivated by hunger.

Strategy 3.  Drink plenty of water before your meal and stop drinking about 10 minutes before you begin to eat so you don’t dilute your digestive juices and enzymes that aid in digesting you foods.  Take small sips throughout your meal to help keep your food moist and moving.

Strategy 4.  Chew, chew and then chew some more.  Give your jaw and teeth a bit more of a workout by completely taking the time to chew your food.  Digestion begins in your mouth; by breaking the food down into a more watery consistency by chewing longer, digestive enzymes in your saliva will have more time to start breaking down your food. Try chewing each bite a minimum of 20 times before swallowing.  Not only will your digestion improve but you will become more present with what you are eating and avoid consuming food without really thinking about it.

Strategy 5.  Be in a state of relaxation.  Once you are served or sit down to consume your meal and pause a moment to silently give gratitude for the bounty your are about to receive.  You may just want to stop take a couple of deep breaths before diving in.  This practice of pausing changes your internal chemistry and enhances your body’s ability to digest and assimilate your food better.  Try to get in the habit of placing your fork down between bites.  The more time it takes for you to eat your meal the more time you give your body’s satiation mechanism the ability to kick in and alert you that you are full and to stop eating.

Strategy 6.  For many, drinking alcohol is just a part of celebrating the holiday season.   You need to be aware and ready because you’re going to be facing every holiday libation you can imagine and then some.  If you’re trying to avoid all those tasty, sugary treats, then you need to be mindful of alcohol too.  Alcohol is sugar, and sugar is one of those substances that can wreak havoc on your whole system.  Sugars and simple carbohydrates on our plates and in our glasses is the number one cause of diabetes and obesity in our society today.  If you are going to partake in a little holiday cheer than limit yourself to one glass of wine or cocktail for the day and definitely skip the other sugar tempting treats.

Strategy 7.  Allow yourself some wiggle room to enjoy some of the festive foods that only come around once a year.  Just be conscious of what you are putting in your mouth and ask yourself before you take that first bite if you might be eating out of boredom or trying to avoid some uneasy feelings.  If you do find this is what is happening, then stop immediately and make a mental note of your unconscious go-to reaction.  By repeatedly doing this and interrupting your normal reactive pattern you will empower yourself with a new response and strategy.
If you find you have completely gone unconscious and end up taking in more than you had expected then acknowledge your slip up, forgive yourself and get right back in the game of conscious consumption.

Good luck implementing these strategies.  You may even have a few strategies of your own to add to the list.   If you get a moment comment in the box below.

Remember to enjoy the holidays and give gratitude for the time you spend with those you hold so closely in your heart and celebrate your blessing!
Sending scoops of love this holiday,

