Looking for a Juicer? Consider this

For years now, juicing and blending my greens has become a daily event for hydration and increasing my nutrient intake. It is extremely rare if a day goes by and I haven’t taken my greens in some type of liquid form or another. I absolutely love the way drinking a large glass of veggies makes my body buzz with vitality!  Probably the biggest or most important reason for indulging in a power-packed, nutrient-dense cocktail is that it is an excellent way to indulge yourself with a large quantity of vegetables quickly. This quick heath fix reduces inflammation, cleanses the body, balances you pH, and supplies you with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein and oxygen. The gift of greens also helps keep you regular and can be a great aid in loosing weight.  People who are looking for a juicer are always asking me what juicer to get, so I felt obliged to get this answer out to the masses.

When you’re looking for a juicer, consider these points:

Yield: how much juice can be extracted from the fruits and vegetables
Shelf Life: how quickly the juice begins to oxidize



So here’s a rundown on the types of juicers on the market:

Centrifugal Juicer
Starting at the lower end of the spectrum you will find the Centrifugal Juicer. This type of juicer uses a fast spinning grater to shred and break down the fruits and veggies, and then strains the juice to separate the fiber from the liquid. This juicer is typically easy to use, quick to clean, and has the lowest price tag. The draw back is the method used to grate and spin the fruits and vegetables causes the juice to oxidize (you usually end up with a fair amount of foam) and the enzymes start to denature quickly. This means you will want to consume this juice within 15-20 minutes.

Masticating Juicer

The next step up in quality (and price) is a Masticating Juicer. This type of juicer has a slow, screw-shaped gear that chews up the cell membrane of the veggies to release the nutrients, and then squeezes the juice through a mesh screen. You will usually end up with more juice, more nutrients intact, less foam, and a longer fridge life (about a day or more).
Twin Gear Juicer

Up from there you will find the Twin Gear Juicer. This type of juicer works at even lower speeds. It chews up the veggies and fruit between two gears, squeezing out the juice and leaving a very dry pulp. The result is more juice, more nutrients intact, less foam, and a longer shelf life. You can store your juice for up to 72 hours in the fridge.
Note: The Green Star is a twin gear juicer, and it is the one I use! 

My best advise when considering purchasing a juicer would be to use some of the criteria that I have mentioned and do some research for yourself on the different makes and models available on the market. See which one fits your needs and budget. You may even consider using my traveling method of juicing, which is a mini-blender and a paint strainer. This is quick and easy with very little cost involved.

What I always tell people who ask what’s the best juicer is that, hands down, the best juicer is the one you use!
