Looking for a Juicer? Consider this

For years now, juicing and blending my greens has become a daily event for hydration and increasing my nutrient intake. It is extremely rare if a day goes by and I haven't taken my greens in some type of liquid form or another. I absolutely [...]

3 Steps to get the Diet Results You Want!

In a time of convenience, fast and an over packaging of food, eating for wellness and fueling your body with healthy nutritiously packed whole foods can be a challenge.  To get the most out of what you put in your mouth and nourish your body [...]

2016-10-23T16:41:42-07:00May 21st, 2015|Breast Cancer and Acupuncture, diet, diet startegies, Healing Cancer, Healing Foods, healthy eating, Juicing, Nutrition, Plant Food, Smoothies, Uncategorized, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wellness, Whole Food|Comments Off on 3 Steps to get the Diet Results You Want!

Vegan Eats Chicago Style

Last weekend was my birthday and to celebrate Darryl and I flew out to Chicago to return to my roots or shall I say where it all began.  I was born in Chicago 60 years ago but moved to Southern California by way of Florida [...]

Protein Essentials for Vegans

As a vegan, meaning I don’t eat any animal based food sources I often run into the question, “Where do you get your protein?” This question can be understandable looking from the outside in, so I want to talk about Protein Essentials for Vegans. Eating [...]

7 Strategies To Eating Healthy During The Holidays

Here we go again, it's that time of the years when the days get shorter and the nights get longer.  The leaves turn rich yellows to vibrant reds as they fall from the trees and children once again run from one pumpkin glowing home to [...]

Wednesday Fast Day

It’s WEDNESDAY FAST DAY a day I set aside for rejuvenation. In other words it’s RESET day! Once a week I take a break from eating solid foods for one day or about 38-42 hours. By doing this I stop and give my digestive system [...]


Completely Transform Your Life With this 21-Day Wellness Cleanse

Leah Putnam

Hi, I'm Leah Putnam.

My goal is to inspire you to embark on a personal journey that will lead you to a life of abundant energy, vibrancy, balance, clarity and happiness.