Cancer Prevention Through Surgery?Cut it, burn it or poison it are the classic three medial solutions in dealing with cancer.  Medical science has now taken this one step further by adding amputating body parts as a preventive strategy of reducing the risk of cancer. Cancer prevention through surgery is now considered as an option for women who have genetically tested positive for a hereditary gene mutation known as BRCA1 and BRCA2.

When I received a diagnosis of breast cancer I was told to contact a surgeon and breast oncologist.  The oncologist recommended that I immediately be tested for this BRCA gene and if the results were positive to have a double mastectomy and a full hysterectomy.  I was floored, angry, scared and confused in knowing that surgery, being an option does not come without a price tag.  Working with many women who have undergone both of these procedures I know that these surgeries can alter both physically and mentally your quality of life.    As of today, I have never been tested for this gene mutation.


Cancer Prevention Through Surgery?

First it is important to get really clear about the Breast Cancer 1 & 2 known as BRCA1 and BRCA2. These genes have been given a bad girl image but in truth are really tumor suppressor genes which produce a protein to help repair DNA damage caused by both natural and environmental radiation exposure.  Important to note that mammograms do come under the heading of environmental exposure.

If you do test positive for the mutated BRCA gene in this country you are recommended to get a mammogram and a MRI scan at least once a year going forward.  It puzzles me why you would prescribe exposing someone to something you’ve just informed them they’re compromised to defend against.  There are many other viable diagnostic tools such as ultrasound or Thermography that avoid this unnecessary exposure to radiation.

Sadly, the media has painted the picture that if you have the BRCA mutation, you are at a higher risk in developing cancer of the breast or ovaries. The truth is that only 2 % of US women who have a strong family history of Breast Cancer might test positive for the gene mutation.  This genetic “defect” as it is now being called is nowhere close to being a primary cause of breast cancer. We need to also look at other non-genetic factors including lifestyle choices.
There is a new paradigm that is emerging known as Epigenetics that proves that your genetic coding is not the determinant biological factor as previously thought and that we have a considerable amount of control over how our genetic traits are expressed. The research shows that our genes will express or suppress due to environmental and lifestyle factors such as nutrition, toxic exposure and even thoughts and feelings by triggering hormones and other chemical reactions in our body.

Science is no longer supporting a matter based universe but rather a universe based on energy. The shift of thought from from one of Newtonian Physics to Quantum Physics is really in a phase of transition, as was once the concept that the earth was round.  Soon it becomes undeniable.

If the new science of Epigenetics is finding that the mind and how we think is probably the biggest determinant in the expression of a gene it leads us to ask ourselves if we are a victim or an empowered participant in the course of our health and wellness?  Are we now accountable in knowing that everything we do either moves us toward wellness or toward illness?  Are you ready to take on that responsibility?
The news last week highlighted  Angelina Jolie as taking what is being sold to us as a “courageous” step by electing to have a double mastectomy in an attempt to lower or hopefully eliminate her risk of cancer.

I don’t fault or judge Ms Jolie for taking the course of action that she did I am certain that she must have made the best decision possible with the limited information she had.   I am curious who is benefiting from the exposure of such a personal decision made by her and her doctor.  What makes a person base such a monumental decision on old theories and information?  Fear, security or the false belief that we are a victim of circumstance?

Angelina Jolie has gone further than just making a private medical choice, she has made a social statement to the world.  We can clearly assume that others may be influenced by her example and unfortunately even go so far as to emulate her.

I am saddened that the media is spot lighting this as a brave and heroic act.   I am saddened to think of the many women who will choose to mutilate and disfigure themselves instead of choosing to base their course of action on more sound  evidence.
My hope is that you will stop long enough to really think and question both the intent and the result.  My hope is that you will ask yourself if it make sense to you.