Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness

Yes, this is the month when we turn Pink from the international health campaign (BCAM or NBCAM) organized by major breast cancer charities, it’s Pink October.  The goal of this campaign is to increase awareness of breast cancer and to raise money for research, diagnosis and treatment strategies, along with support and information to those affected by breast cancer.  Early detection through mammography is the major theme of this health campaign.

Welcome To Pink October

There seems to be a bit of criticism regarding conflicts of interest among corporations that sponsor BCAM, while at the same time profiting from breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. I just happened to stumble upon this web site, Think Before You Pink that encourages women to ask critical questions about pink ribbon promotions.  Of course, I find this all very interesting, but if you’ve poked around my site you know that I’m all about focusing on wellness!!!!

It took me a breast cancer diagnosis to take what I knew and selectively practiced to really begin to focus on my wellness.  Let’s just say that the diagnosis made it very clear to me that I needed to stop playing around with whatever seemed to serve me at the moment, and to put into practice my true beliefs about health and wellness.  In other words, it was time for me to pull up my big girl panties and get down to business.  It was time to step into my greatness!!  As a result, I have radically altered the course of my diagnosis and I am living an amazing life of wellness!!  For me, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is all about becoming more WHOLE THROUGH WELLNESS.  Please join me throughout this month as I share with you the steps to becoming Whole!!